테마별 어플리케이션 (Flow Control Management by Themes)

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    [Parker] 7321B / 7322B Series Water Valves _ 물, 경유, 증기

      Parker 7321B / 7322B 2/2 way 파일럿 작동 밸브는 물, 증기 및 경유와 같은 유체를 완벽하게 제어할 수 있는 최상의 솔루션입니다. 7321B / 7322B 시리즈는 다이아프램 파일럿 작동 밸브이며 최소 차압이 필요합니다. 물(水)은 인간 생활의 기본 요소이며 이러한 물을 콘트롤하므로써 관개 및 식량 생산, 육종, 물 분배, 에너지 생산, 자동차 및 도구 세척과 같은 광범위한 인간 활동을 가능하게 합니다. [...]

      Solenoid valves and pressure regulators for the railway industry

      Parker is the world leader in fluid movement and control technology. We provide solutions designed for the rail transport industry with products which are extremely reliable, even under the most demanding environmental conditions. In spite of extreme weather phenomena, high levels of vibration, the presence of dust and aggressive contamination, the railway industry seeks to become ever more competitive, so [...]

      By | 6월 7th, 2017|Categories: 산업분야별, 유체제어 Fluid Control|0 댓글

        Anti-pollution Innovative solutions _ 저공해

        Transportation 2/2 Way Valve, NC Type Use: SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) for buses and trucks. Urea Heating. Benefits: • Solenoid valves and electrical components customised according to the technical specifications of transport industry customers. • Solutions adapted to international anti-pollution standards Euro 4 / Euro 5. • Compact systems for the railway industry. Product Solutions: • 2-way valve, brass material, [...]

        By | 6월 5th, 2017|Categories: Parker 파카, 운송 장비 Transportation, 유체제어 Fluid Control|0 댓글

          Solenoid Valves, Pressure Switches for Coffee Machines and Hot Drinks Distributors

          Introduction Parker Fluid Control Division Europe is your ideal partner offering the broadest range of solutions for Beverage Dispensers. Th anks to Parker's great expertise and attitude to innovate we are today in the position to offer a broad range of robust and exclusive solutions. In fact, all our products have been developed in order to achieve the best performances [...]

          By | 6월 5th, 2017|Categories: Parker 파카, 유체제어 Fluid Control, 커피, 음료 Coffee, Beverage|0 댓글

            [PARKER] 3 & 4‐way 0.6 Watt Low Power Valves (Piped and Direct Mount NAMUR) 1/4‐3/4” NPT _ 저전력

            General Description: 3 and 4 Way Low Power, Direct Acting and Pilot Operated Valves in Brass, Aluminum and Stainless Steel are suitable for use in general industrial process fluid control applications and for control valve pilot actuation where power consumption is a concern. These valves are also compatible for use in factories utilizing Distributed Control Systems (DCS) with power limitations integral [...]

            By | 6월 5th, 2017|Categories: Parker 파카, 유체제어 Fluid Control|0 댓글
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